/ Don’t really have anywhere to share this so figured I’d pop
This chat is for all things we love about beauty. From your favourite beauty trends to recommendations and everything in-between!
Don’t really have anywhere to share this so figured I’d pop it on here! After always having been that skinny girl that had noodle arms and looked like a twig, I’ve been on a mission this last 6 months to gain some muscle and feel stronger! It’s not been easy, and I’m nowhere near my ultimate end goal, but I’m feeling stronger than ever lately and am so proud of myself for how far I’ve come!👏🏻No more noodle arms and weak upper body!! I think it’s not talked about enough that thin people can also struggle with body image, and struggle to gain weight! I’ve gained almost a stone in 6 months, which has been so difficult! Whatever insecurities you’re dealing with, never let them define you! 💕
Don’t really have anywhere to share this so figured I’d pop