/ To celebrate the momentous launch of HAUS LABS by Lady Gaga
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Beauty Adviser
06/05/23-16:42 (edited on 06/05/23-16:42)
To celebrate the momentous launch of HAUS LABS by Lady Gaga exclusively on Sephora UK, we will be hosting a whole week of events and Pro Makeup Classes. With events both in-store and online, everyone can experience this highly-anticipated range. Check out our calendar to never miss a moment!
To celebrate the momentous launch of HAUS LABS by Lady Gaga
To celebrate the momentous launch of HAUS LABS by Lady Gaga - 2
To celebrate the momentous launch of HAUS LABS by Lady Gaga - 3
To celebrate the momentous launch of HAUS LABS by Lady Gaga - 4
To celebrate the momentous launch of HAUS LABS by Lady Gaga - 5