/ It’s time to get quizzical!   To celebrate the
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Beauty Adviser
11/21/23-12:04 (edited on 11/21/23-12:05)
It’s time to get quizzical!   To celebrate the playground of beauty that is Glossier, we wanted to treat you to a quiz that is *almost* as fun as their products. Inspired by real life, these products are all about feeling good, celebrating freedom and feeling present. No matter where you are in your beauty journey, YOU LOOK GOOD in Glossier.  Where was Glossier's flagship store? What's Glossier’s best selling product at Sephora UK? When did Glossier launch? What were the OG first 4 products? Guess the iconic product from the emoji’s ☁️🖌️  🎉🍲  🔮✨  👁️⭐  ☀️🖌️  🧴🖥️   Please reply with your answers numbered from 1-10, in the comments below.✨ The top quizzer will be in with the chance to win a £100 voucher to spend on anything on sephora.co.uk (inc any Glossier products that caught your eye during the quiz), so get guessing. ❤️  Deadline: 23:59pm -  28/11/2023   Good luck and happy quizing!!
It’s time to get quizzical!    To celebrate the