/ Happy Hump Day ๐Ÿ˜ We wanted to thank YOU for making our
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Beauty Adviser
05/07/23-11:47 (edited on 05/07/23-12:08)
Happy Hump Day ๐Ÿ˜ We wanted to thank YOU for making our Community such a kind and enjoyable place. We wouldnโ€™t be anything without our unbelievable members! Just a little housekeeping message ๐Ÿก Our admins LOVE organising events and interacting with you all - but could we ask that you guys please message one member of the team only with your concern/query rather than sending to all, our small and amazing team do their best to get back to your messages but we arenโ€™t able to respond at weekends and so it maybe take a few days for us to get back you but we promise we will ๐Ÿ˜Š. Secondly, PLEASE respect each other in the comments, our Community is based on supporting, loving and learning - think twice if you canโ€™t be nice! ๐Ÿšซ Reporting is great and we really appreciate you keeping this a space safe for ALL, but if you personally donโ€™t like something or donโ€™t agree with it then it is not appropriate to report it, if you need to please refresh yourself on our guidelines if you are on the fence about reporting another member.  And finally, we wanted to ask what channels you are LOVING and what new channels you would like to see? We might have a little reshuffle and nothing means more to us than your opinion - itโ€™s your space after all. โœจPeace, love and good vibes ALWAYS.โœจ