/ I am loving SkinFix Barrier body cream. I would really
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Beauty Adviser
01/13/24-23:51 (edited on 01/13/24-23:51)
I am loving SkinFix Barrier body cream. I would really recommend to anyone who has dry, thirsty skin like I do!! Just reapplied before going to sleep and my skin is silky smooth :) https://www.sephora.co.uk/p/Skinfix-Barrier-Triple-Lipid-Peptide-Cream-50ml?curr=GBPcurr=GBP&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAhomtBhDgARIsABcaYymwJbSNjJW_J2bHplCLW9VLj7mTmcizoS5zJSQHqSbEUWF8ZreIxvcaAv-iEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds